Thursday, April 7, 2011

Quality of Life (Strife?)

In my pre-post-grad fervor, I have been frantically attempting to come up with ideas for new hobbies to pursue. I can't really remember what my hobbies were prior to starting university or if I even had any - unless you consider "setting fire to things" or "drinking OEs at an elementary school on Fridays nights" hobbies.

So, in the pursuit of cultural enrichment, I have created a short-list of new activities to take up:

1. Krav Maga : So. Fucking. Badass. However, since my current body shape is a cross between Conan O'Brien and ... Well ... (I'm fucking gangly, all right), I'd probably need to start with...

2. A Gym Membership (and the motivation to actually go to the gym). The Y in Victoria is incredibly cheap and is all-inclusive: for the low, low price of $29 per month, I can work out, go to yoga classes, swim, dance, play squash, and hang out in a sauna. Yeah, I'm down. I actually took a tour today on my friend Kyle's suggestion and the facilities looked pretty good. IT'S FUN TO STAY AT THE...

3. Learn to Play Guitar: I've always wanted to do this because guitar players are sexy and awesome, and then I could play little ditties on my fucking guitar and be a superstar and mock my lesser friends and their shitty and inferior instruments. Plus, I could probably make some extra coin if I threw on a pair o' horn-rimmed glasses and took that bitch down to a street corner in Victoria. Bitches in Victoria love people who play guitar and wear horn-rimmed glasses.

4. Read These Books: I really enjoy reading, but it's been so long since I've been able to read for pleasure. I'd like to get more into some "classics" and, you know, get a better feel for some good books. Oh, and re-read "The Master and Margarita". That book is god-like.

5. Write The Great Fantasy Love Story! Seriously, though, I've discussed this with friends before and decided that it needs to be done. Krakens ... and ... teenage romance. I hate Twilight, so I feel like I'd get a lot of satisfaction out of something as ludicrous as this project. You will probably hear more about this once I have time to get wasted and write this story.

Chances are I probably won't do any of these things - instead, I'll sit around playing The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for the millionth time all summer. However, I'll try and keep my list updated and, you know, write about my progress. Or something.

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