Thursday, April 7, 2011


I have this sinking feeling in my stomach, and I'm not sure what's causing it.

Maybe it's because I completed my Honours thesis defence on Tuesday and I'm still waiting for my grade. Maybe it's because I have my last exam of my degree next Thursday and I haven't even started studying.

... Or maybe it's the pure and utter anxiety of trying to figure out what the hell I'm going to do with myself once I finish up university next week.

Hi. My name is Kate. I'm 21, and I'm just about to graduate with an Honours B.A. in Political Science from the University of Victoria. Lucky me. I'll be qualified to work at Starbucks until I go back for graduate studies.

What do I do now? Do I just chill out for a year and work a dead-end job until the time comes for me to return to the Ivory Tower for an M.A.? Do I try and better my life in some way, or exhibit a little ambition and apply for a more important (see: well-paying) job? Do I lie on the couch eating cheesy poofs watching movies on Netflix? Fuck if I know.

This is the dawning of a new era for me. I was once a rad university student writing essays at the last minute and getting drunk off Colt 45s. Welcome to my post-rad world. Shit.

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